GurminderGurminder was on the 6 Week Straight Talking Motivational Weight Loss Programme. She had a series of 6 weight loss coaching sessions with combined hypnotherapy to help her to combat a lifetime of sugar and chocolate cravings. Gurminder has dropped one dress size and she is still continuing to lose weight. It was a delightful experience to work with Gurminder and to help her make positive changes to her diet and lifestyle.
JulieJulie has lost an astonishing 30lb with mindset and motivation. Before her session Julie was eating 2 packets of crisps, a wagon wheel, a chocolate bar and other junk food every day. She felt really fat and disgusted with herself and she knew that she would get health issues if she carried on with her eating habits as her BMI had rocketed to 35.
Julie had previously tried other popular slimming clubs and had managed to lose weight, but quickly put the weight back on after resuming a normal diet. Julie did not find slimming clubs very motivating. In her own words she said, “I didn’t want to live my life eating by points for the rest of my life. I needed a rigid approach to weight loss and I got that from Manjit as she told me the realities of being fat.” Julie felt the changes straight away and she left feeling very motivated and positive to shed the excess weight. Julie now treats herself to one packet of crisps a week and she feels satisfied and fulfilled. I am really proud of Julie and she has been a real pleasure to work with. Well done. |
JanineI am very proud of Janine who has lost 42lb since having Virtual Gastric Band Hypnotherapy and she is still continuing to lose weight. Before her session Janine lacked confidence because she couldn’t lose weight.
Janine described her session as a strange, but pleasant experience because although she was very relaxed she was still conscious of everything happening around her. She described that she could feel the gastric band being tightened around her stomach and felt the change immediately. Janine is making amazing progress and it has been a real pleasure to work with her as her attitude towards food has been different ever since her first session as she has not eaten cakes, chocolates and chips at all and she does not miss them. Well done Janine you are doing great! |
LizLiz has lost a staggering 2 dress sizes and 25lb in weight with mindset and motivation. Before her weight loss programme Liz had no confidence, no motivation and she was fed up of dieting. Liz found that she piled on the weight as she was in a constant cycle of dieting and binging on junk food and eating large portions.
Liz had tried various diets in the past and had managed to lose weight, but she put the weight back on as she could not keep up with them. Liz found the 6 week weight loss programme to be very powerful and she said that it was a good way for her to get her head right. She said “I found the daily text messaging contact very motivating and they kept me on track. Manjit gave me a good kick up the backside when I felt like giving up.” Liz understands that without motivation and having a positive mind-set it is very hard to lose weight, so to keep this going Liz listens to her personalised hypnotherapy MP3’s to keep her motivation sky high. I am really proud of Liz and it was a real pleasure to see her lose weight. Well done. |